

Get help with your nutrition with professionals who specialize in the study of nutrition and dietary habits. Assess your individual nutritional needs, get a personalized meal plan, and guidance on healthy eating habits to promote your overall health and well-being. Get education and support for managing specific health conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, or food allergies, through diet and lifestyle modifications. 

Cortez Training Center DNA-Based Fitness & Allergen Testing

DNA-Based Fitness and Allergen Testing is a personalized health assessment approach that utilizes genetic information to tailor fitness and nutrition recommendations to an individual's unique genetic makeup. It involves analyzing DNA samples to identify genetic variants associated with various fitness traits, such as metabolism, muscle composition, and response to exercise. Additionally, it identifies potential allergens by analyzing genetic markers linked to specific sensitivities or intolerances. This information allows for personalized exercise routines, dietary plans, and allergen avoidance strategies to optimize health and wellness outcomes. These may be administered by rapid onsite testing (ROT) via saliva or finger prick, or scheduled lab tests.

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